3 Ways to Make Sure the Hospital Has the Right You

Tuesday, January 14th, 2020 by | Posted In: Hospital Negligence, Medical Malpractice

ct-medical-records-mishapIt is no surprise that we live in a technical world. The healthcare industry is no different in their efforts to digitize health records and operational processes when you are at the hospital or at your doctor’s office.

Patients still face an uphill battle in proper identification of their records and themselves during the registration process at the hospital. Registration is rife with inadequacies that have the potential to affect the care you or your loved one receive including medications, tests and improper care. During this process duplicate records could be created, your previous records may not be linked, incorrect orders could be entered into a record, and a patient could be misidentified.

Here are a few ways you can help reduce the risk of any medical error:

If you or your loved one were permanently, significantly injured after a hospital stay (including death), and you question the level of care received, call our office. Our medical malpractice team will begin an immediate medical and legal investigation into your injury.

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