4 Ways You Can Get Injured At A Swimming Pool This Summer

Wednesday, July 29th, 2020 by | Posted In: Personal Injury

Summer is in full swing and during the COVID-19 pandemic you may be feeling limited to your choices for cooling off and recreation this summer. Typically, you might go to your local beach to cool off in the ocean. This year, however, you may be feeling more cautious of large gatherings. Instead, your friend or neighbor invited you to their home to swim in their pool. Swimming pools, however, can lead to serious injuries.

Swimming pools can lead to a myriad of personal injuries. Below are some injuries that could result from visiting a swimming pool.

Slip and fall. Wet surfaces, like those around a pool, can create slippery conditions. These conditions can result in slip and falls that break bones, including head injuries, and more.

Faulty products can cause swimmers injuries. Inflatable pool toys can trap swimmers underwater. Drains and jets that are improperly maintained may also cause injury.

Diving injuries. Pool goers should only dive in safe depths, roughly eight to ten feet of water. If you dive in water shallower than that, you risk spinal cord injuries, head injuries, or broken bones.

Drowning can occur in as little as two inches of water. Many conditions can lead to drowning including lack of warnings and safety equipment.

If you or a member of your family was injured at a friend or neighbor’s swimming pool, you may feel like you are in a tough position. Keep in mind you would be filing a claim against your friend or neighbor’s insurance policy. An experienced attorney, like those at McEnery Price Messey & Sullivan, can help you navigate this difficult situation. Contact our office today for a free consultation. We can even do a virtual meeting.

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