5 Ways to Deal With Connecticut Aggressive Drivers

Friday, November 1st, 2019 by | Posted In: Auto Accidents

Connecticut is home to some of the nation’s busiest highways (Interstates 84, 91, and 95). There is no doubt there are some aggressive drivers out on the roads. Aggressive driving comes in many forms including honking, hand gestures, and tailgating. These situations can spiral out of control quickly, so in order to keep yourself and your passengers safe by avoiding a Connecticut auto accident, there are some things you can do to defuse the situation.

  1. Avoid hand gestures. While you may have not been the one who started it, it is best to keep your gestures to yourself and keep your focus and attention on the road.
  2. If you do not have anything nice to say…do not say anything at all. Even it the aggressive driver is verbally elevating the situation, it is best to keep your comments to yourself.
  3. Pull over. If an aggressive driver is tailgating you, put your directional signal on and move over to let them pass.
  4. Stay in your vehicle. If the situation escalates to the other driver getting out of their vehicle, stay in yours.
  5. Call 911. If you are fearful that you might get injured, call the police.

Aggressive driving is very serious and can result in a Connecticut auto accident. Both teen and adult drivers should take caution when dealing with these types of drivers. If you or a loved one is ever in a car accident, you may be able to handle the claim yourself. Find out how.

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