5 Ways to Keep Kids From Falling at the Playground

Friday, October 3rd, 2014 by | Posted In: Slip and Fall

Playground safetyStatistics compiled by the Centers for Disease Control show that each year in the United States, hospital emergency rooms treat over 200,000 children with playground-related injuries. The most common playground injury is a fall. Follow these steps to help prevent your child from being injured.

1. Inspect playground equipment.
Before your children start climbing, swinging, sliding, and hanging, make sure you give all playground equipment a quick safety check.

2. Keep your eyes open.
Actively watch your child playing – you might be able to prevent something!

3. Watch out below!
Take your children to a playground with shock-absorbing materials such as mulch, synthetic turf, rubber, wood chips, pea gravel, etc. A fall on these surfaces is far more cushioned than one on grass, dirt, concrete, or asphalt.

4. Check the mirror.
Keep all necklaces, scarves, drawstrings, and purses off the playground as they pose a strangulation hazard.

5. Mind your manners.
Teach your children that shoving, pushing, and crowding on the playground can be harmful. Make sure each child has enough space to play.

The slip and fall lawyers at Connecticut’s McEnery Law Group wish everyone a safe and happy visit to the playground!

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