Are You Following Doctor’s Orders? Home Medication Errors On The Rise

Saturday, September 30th, 2017 by | Posted In: Medical Malpractice

Medication errors are on the rise and the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) estimates that 1.3 million are injured by medications annually. Whether it be the patient taking the medication improperly (doses too close together, wrong time, wrong medication) or a pharmacist dispensed the incorrect medication, these mistakes are happening more frequently. If a pharmacist dispenses medication at a dose that was not prescribed by a doctor, and resulted in a significant, permanent injury this may be considered Connecticut medical malpractice.

A study utilized data collected by poison control centers across the country on injuries that occurred outside of a healthcare facility that resulted in significant medical outcomes. The following is a list of medications that are most closely tied to at-home medication errors:

If you or your loved one was injured as the result of a prescribed medication that was not properly directed at home, call our office. Our Connecticut medical malpractice team comprises a doctor/attorney, Bob Messey, and a nurse/attorney, Gayle Sullivan, who will begin an immediate investigation into your case.

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