Brain Injuries Can Result From Connecticut Car Accidents

Thursday, December 24th, 2015 by | Posted In: Auto Accidents

car accident brain injuriesYou don’t need to be traveling at high speeds to suffer a brain injury in a Connecticut car accident. In an accident, the brain is traveling at the same speed as the car, when the crash occurs, the head abruptly stops. When the soft, “squishy” brain tissue comes in contact with the hard bones of the skull, blood vessels can become damaged.

This damage can lead to bleeding; the concern over brain bleeds is that the bone of the skull does not absorb the excess blood and neither does brain tissue. The extra fluid in the brain cavity can place pressure on parts of the brain that affect other functions.

Signs and symptoms of a traumatic brain injury include:

If you or a loved one was in a car accident, the attorneys at McEnery Price Messey & Sullivan recommend that you get seen by either your primary care provider or at the emergency room. Brain injuries are extremely serious and can have lasting effects on injured people if they are not properly diagnosed and treated.

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