Can Hospital Interactions Be A Cause of Connecticut Medical Malpractice?

Wednesday, February 14th, 2018 by | Posted In: Medical Malpractice

Connecticut hospitals are big places with a lot of staff, physicians, nurses, and healthcare professionals required to care for patients with different needs. It is not uncommon for a healthcare provider to work alongside people whose name he or she does not know. But not knowing a colleague’s name can have adverse effects on patient care and could be a cause of Connecticut medical malpractice.

While in the operating room, seconds can be a matter of life and death. If colleagues do not know each other this could result in delays in administering medications, surgical tools, and other necessities that take place in the OR.

An Australian nurse anaesthetist started a trend where staff in operating rooms write their name and role on their caps. He said it created better channels of communication in periods of high intensity.

If you or a loved one suffered a permanent injury (including death) as the result of a surgical procedure or emergency/trauma situation, contact our firm. Our team of medical and legal professionals includes Robert Messey, MD/JD and Gayle Sullivan, RN/JD. They will begin an immediate legal and medical investigation into your case.

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