Connecticut Auto Accidents: What To Do When You Live Out of State

Wednesday, July 5th, 2017 by | Posted In: Auto Accidents

Connecticut auto accidents occur whether you are on a major Interstate highway like 95, 91, or 84; a fast-moving thoroughfare like the Merritt Parkway, Wilbur Cross Parkway, or Berlin Turnpike; or a back road through a rural community.

Questions may arise if you live outside of Connecticut and got into an accident while traveling through the state. Some of the most common questions are:

  1. Can I hire an attorney from my home state? Wherever the injury occurred is the jurisdiction where you must file your claim.
  2. I am missing work because of my injuries. Can I recover my lost wages? When you work with experienced attorneys, like those at McEnery Price Messey & Sullivan, they will build a strong case and demand for your loss of wages.
  3. My medical bills are piling up. Do I have to pay for them? Medical expenses for injuries sustained in a Connecticut auto accident are a part of the demand to the insurance company.
  4. I am going to need on-going therapies and medication for the injuries I got in a Connecticut auto accident.  Under Connecticut law, you are entitled to seek damages for any future treatments and medications that stem from the accident injuries.

If you or your loved one was injured in a Connecticut auto accident, contact the attorneys at McEnery Price Messey & Sullivan immediately.

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