Connecticut Dog Bite: 5-Year-Old Injured

Saturday, December 16th, 2017 by | Posted In: Uncategorized

A 5-year-old Manchester, Connecticut boy is recovering after being bitten by his family’s dog. The boy is said to have significant injuries. What will happen to the dog is unclear as it is part of the victim’s family, but if this were a neighbor’s dog the law has significant protections for dog bite victims.

Connecticut law on dog bites is strict liability; this means that unless you are trespassing or taunting the dog, the owner is liable for your injuries. An experienced lawyer, like those at McEnery Price Messey & Sullivan, can help you prepare your case.

When working with your lawyer on a dog bite case, your attorney will work with you to maximize your recovery. In a dog bite case, you can seek damages for the following:

If you or your loved one have been injured by a dog, call our office immediately. Our team of lawyers will begin an immediate investigation.

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