Connecticut Dog Bites and Delivery Drivers

Sunday, May 17th, 2020 by | Posted In: Dog Bites

With more Connecticut residents shopping online during this pandemic, postal workers and other shipping companies are delivering more packages and are coming into contact with more of our canine family members as people are out and about getting exercise and fresh air.

The USPS defines a dog attack as anytime a postal worker is injured or harmed by a dog and attributes this to three main problems: dogs not being restrained in the house, dogs not restrained in the yard, and dogs roaming the neighborhoods.

In the state of Connecticut, dog bite injuries fall under a strict liability statute which means that the dog owner is 100% responsible for the injury unless the victim is trespassing or taunting the dog. U.S. Postal workers not only are facing a dog bite injury, but since their injuries are sustained on the job, they may also have a Federal worker’s compensation claim.

When answering the door, put your pet in a separate room with the door closed and do not let children answer the door. Dogs may interpret a delivery thinking that the child is being attacked or threatened.

If you are a victim of a Connecticut dog bite injury, call our office immediately. We will begin an immediate investigation into your injury and help you prepare your claim.

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