Connecticut Medical Malpractice and Sepsis

Friday, September 8th, 2017 by | Posted In: Hospital Negligence, Medical Malpractice

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) defines sepsis as a complication from the body’s response to fighting off an infection that can cause organ shutdown, tissue damage, and death. The fact that a person is septic is not Connecticut medical malpractice, but how their body got to the point might be another story.

A young boy cut his arm and later that day was vomiting and feverish. His pediatrician told the parents to bring him to the emergency room for risk he was dehydrated from vomiting. The boy was given fluids, blood work, and sent home. Four days later he died from sepsis.

Sepsis generally occurs when an infection gets into the bloodstream It kills more than 250,000 people each year particularly those with compromised immune systems, the young, old, and those with chronic illness like diabetes, kidney disease, and cancer.

The CDC will release a report addressing the severity of sepsis and that it needs to be treated like a heart attack or stroke.  If you or your loved one went to the emergency department with signs of infection, was discharged, and then ended up with a permanent, significant injury (including death), call our office. Our Connecticut medical malpractice team is comprised of a doctor/attorney, Bob Messey, and nurse/attorney, Gayle Sullivan, who will begin an immediate investigation into your case.

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