Connecticut Truck Accident: 3 Obstacles Commonly Faced

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019 by | Posted In: Truck Accidents

A Connecticut truck accident can be devastating physically, emotionally, as well as financially. Because of the size and weight of a truck, these types of accidents can cause serious and significant injuries, including death. You or your loved one might be dealing with on-going therapies, medical bills, and more. Below are some additional obstacles you may face in the aftermath of a Connecticut truck accident. 

  1. Insurance companies and aggressive legal terms. One of the biggest challenges after any type of accident is dealing with the insurance company and aggressive legal terms. Their intimidation tactics will not work when you have an experienced team of attorneys, like those at McEnery Price Messey & Sullivan. 
  2. Poorly kept and falsified records. Drivers and companies are paid by moving goods as quickly as possible. Federal and state regulations require trucking companies to keep logs on driver operating times, maintenance, service, and product loads. 
  3. Missing records. Written records can be challenging to track down. Immediately after a Connecticut truck accident it is important to retain an experienced attorney who can file with the court to block destruction of any records pertaining to your case. 

If you or your loved one was injured in a Connecticut truck accident, contact our firm immediately. Our team is experienced at handling cases like this and work our hardest to protect your long term interests.

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