Connecticut Truck Accident: What Is Interstate vs. Intrastate Trucking?

Thursday, October 17th, 2019 by | Posted In: Truck Accidents

The terms interstate and intrastate are often mistakenly used interchangeably when referring to the trucking industry. However, they have very different meanings, especially when it comes to your Connecticut truck accident.

Interstate trucking refers to shipments originating from one state which are destined for another. During the shipment, the commercial vehicle will cross state lines; sometimes the trucks will travel across multiple states carrying a shipment. Interstate trucking may also refer to shipments moving from the United States to Mexico or Canada; in such cases, international authorities will be involved.

Intrastate trucking refers to goods being carried via commercial vehicle from one location to another within the same state. The goods never leave the state from which they originated during an intrastate trucking run.

The logistics of interstate and intrastate trucking companies and accident claims involving these commercial vehicles can be quite complex. Contact an experienced attorney, like those at McEnery Price Messey & Sullivan, regarding your Connecticut truck accident.

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