Connecticut Truck Accidents More Likely Over Summer Months

Saturday, July 11th, 2020 by | Posted In: Truck Accidents

Large trucks on Connecticut roadways can leave even the most confident drivers nervous. They are big and require a lot more space to operate. Many people may think that the winter months are more dangerous because of freezing rain, ice, and snow, but the risk of a serious truck accident is higher in the summer for several reasons. When motorists are aware of these safety risks, they can take the appropriate steps to avoid them.

  1. More road construction. Many road projects happen over the summer months and can create tight spaces, detours, and other hazards that can contribute to an accident. 
  2. Drowsy drivers. Unfortunately, not all truck drivers abide by the federal regulations for hours of service in addition to mobile device laws. When drivers push themselves they can create unsafe circumstances. 
  3. Tire blowouts. Increased heat takes a toll on vehicles, including tires. If a truck’s tire explodes, it can swerve into other lanes and hit other motorists. It is extremely important that truck companies follow a maintenance schedule. 

If you or a loved one was involved in a Connecticut truck accident, contact our firm immediately. Our team is experienced at handling cases like this. In fact, our client received the largest truck accident settlement in New England in 2018.

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