Five Statistics About Slip and Fall Accidents We Bet You Didn’t Know
We know you may not have spent many days or months thinking about a Connecticut slip and fall accident, but maybe you should be thinking about the dangers of this. In fact, slip and fall injuries are more common than you might think and they don’t always involve ice or wet floors.
While knowing a series of statistics about slip and fall injuries may not save you from an accident yourself, it may make you feel more confident in knowing about the impact that these types of injuries have on everyday people just like you. Take a moment and review these statistics which have been compiled about these types of accidents so you are aware of the dangers that are out there.
- The number of fatalities that happen from a slip and fall accident are more or less equally divided between men and women. However, women suffer more falls than men do.
- About 8 million hospital visits per year are attributed to someone slipping and falling. This staggering number continues to rise year over year.
- The number of people who are over the age of 65 years old that are seen at the hospital for a slip and fall injury is 1.8 million according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
- Outside of death, the most serious injury sustained by someone who has experienced this type of accident is a fracture which occurs in roughly 5% of all slip and fall accidents.
- Hip fractures are the most serious type of fracture that occurs from a slip and fall accident and may lead to death.
You can protect yourself against a Connecticut slip and fall accident by being very careful where you step and how you move throughout your daily life, especially during the winter months. While icy sidewalks and wet floors are just a small percentage of the situations that can cause a safety concern, they are a good first spot to begin protecting yourself against an injury like a fracture.
If you are injured in an accident you may need the services of an attorney who can work with you to protect your long-term interests. Contact our office and one of our experienced attorneys will speak with you about your case.