Hosting a Holiday Party? Avoid Connecticut Personal Injury Liability

Sunday, December 4th, 2016 by | Posted In: Personal Injury

holiday-partyBeing the host of a holiday party can help you enjoy the season with family and friends, but if you’re serving alcohol there are also some things that you need to be aware of to protect yourself.

In the State of Connecticut, social hosts can be held liable if one of their guests leaves their home intoxicated and ends up injuring or killing someone after getting on the road.  Liabilities greatly increase if the guest of the party is under the legal drinking age of 21 years old.

There are a few sure-fire ways to make sure that your guests arrive home safely after attending your holiday party.

If you’ve been injured by a drunk driver who was returning home from a holiday party, let an experienced and knowledgeable attorney help you with your claim.

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