Medical Malpractice: What is a Deviation From the Standard of Care?

Thursday, May 21st, 2015 by | Posted In: Medical Malpractice

heart monitor with an alertIn order to file a medical malpractice case in the state of Connecticut, it is the the injured party’s (plaintiff) responsibility to prove a healthcare provider deviated from the standard of care and that these actions caused permanent injury (including death).

The standard of care is what a reasonably prudent healthcare provider would do in the same or similar circumstances.  The standard of care must be proven by expert testimony.

When our team of medical malpractice attorneys file suit, part of our medical and legal investigation includes determining the standard of care for the injured patient for the circumstances under which they presented. In the state of Connecticut, we must retain an expert with similar qualifications to the treating provider stating that there was a deviation from the standard of care.

If you believe there was a deviation from the standard of care for yourself or a loved one, contact an experienced and knowledgeable medical malpractice. attorney. Cases like these are extremely complex and our attorneys can help you file your claim.

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