Preventing a Connecticut Truck Accident This Winter

Monday, January 20th, 2020 by | Posted In: Truck Accidents

There is no denying Connecticut has some extreme temperatures; from hazy, hot, and humid summers, to biting and extremely cold winters, rainy seasons, and everything in between. Snow and ice can wreak havoc on traffic and cause serious problems for motorists. Truck drivers need to be extra cautious due to the size and volume of their vehicles. It is a proven fact that it takes longer for a truck to come to a complete stop than a car. In blizzard-like conditions, a Connecticut truck accident can result in serious to severe injuries for the truck driver as well as the occupants of a car after a collision.

Here are a few safety precautions to keep in mind when traveling this winter: 

  1. Be aware of tire spray. Be aware of water spraying from a truck’s tires. A significant amount of spray means the roads are wet. If the pavement appears wet, but there is not a lot of spray, the precipitation is turning to ice. If the road looks wet but there is minimal to no spray, that could mean black ice.
  2. Control your actions: Your behavior on the roadway needs to be controlled and deliberate. Maintain a consistent speed, create more space between you and the car ahead in case that vehicle stops unexpectedly. Do not slam on the brakes, and steer gently.
  3. Use your turn signals: Do not make lane changes without alerting other drivers of your upcoming movements by signaling first. When getting off at an exit, for example, put on your turn signal before you start slowing down.
  4. Control your actions: Your behavior on the roadway needs to be controlled and deliberate. Maintain a consistent speed, create more space between you and the car ahead in case that vehicle stops unexpectedly. Do not slam on the brakes, and steer gently.

If you or a loved one was injured as the result of a Connecticut truck accident, contact our firm. Our experienced team might be able to help you look out for your long term interests.

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