“Watch For Me” To Avoid Connecticut Pedestrian Accidents

Tuesday, August 14th, 2018 by | Posted In: Pedestrian Accidents

In an effort to combat the growing number of Connecticut pedestrian accidents and Connecticut bicycle accidents, the Connecticut Department of Transportation and the Connecticut Children’s Injury Prevention Center partnered for the “Watch For Me CT” campaign aimed at reducing both accident types.

More than 1,100 pedestrians and 540 cyclists are hit by vehicles in Connecticut annually. These accidents happen for a variety of reasons, but a report issued by the Governors Highway Safety Association found that the reasons for these Connecticut pedestrian accidents are the distraction of smartphones for both motorists and pedestrians, increased driving, and the amount of time people spend walking. Other factors outside of the study that can cause an accident include inexperienced drivers, drunk/distracted/drowsy drivers, excessive speeds, illegal turns, improper driving in a school area, and certain roadway conditions.

If you or your loved one was injured in a Connecticut pedestrian accident call our firm immediately. Pedestrian accidents can be time sensitive depending on whether a liable party is is a state or municipality.


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