What Experts Are Needed To File A Medical Malpractice Case

Tuesday, July 14th, 2015 by | Posted In: Medical Malpractice

medical malpractice physician expertsIf you believe that an injury you suffered is medical malpractice the first step to take is to contact a medical malpractice attorney.  From there your legal team will review your case and determine if it is in fact a case that warrants investigation.

One of the main things that your legal team is required to do before filing suit is to get the written opinion of a physician in the same field as the physician who performed the procedure on you, and whom you are alleging deviated from the standard of care.

The process of getting an expert physician to testify on your behalf begins with the hired expert reviewing the records of your case.  From there, he/she must provide testimony on your behalf.  Once the suit is filed the expert must be available for deposition and trial testimony in order to confirm that your doctor made a mistake.

The finding and hiring of the expert physician will be handled by your legal team after you’ve hired them and they have reviewed your case internally.

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