What Happens If You Slip & Fall At Someone’s Home?

Thursday, January 30th, 2020 by | Posted In: Slip and Fall

You are at your friend’s or neighbor’s home watching a football game or attending a party, and at some point during the day, you trip over a rug, fall down stairs, or slip on a wet patch on the deck. Not only are you a bit sore from the fall, but your injuries send you to the hospital. The homeowner apologizes profusely and says it was just an accident. But now you are faced with medical bills for the visit and possibly long-term care.What options do you have?

Starting with the property owner’s insurance is a good first step. Anyone with a mortgage is required by their lender to carry an insurance policy that meets state minimum coverage requirements. However, if there is no mortgage, there is no insurance requirement. Some people drop insurance coverage once their mortgage is paid off to save an expense.

Mortgage paid off or not, many people do not like to file claims against their homeowner’s policy due to fear of being dropped by their carrier. Because of this, they may be reluctant to hand over any policy information and offer to file the claim themselves.

At this point you may want to bring in your own legal team if you believe they have insurance. The experienced team of attorneys at McEnery Price Messey & Sullivan may be able to help you with your claim. Contact us immediately for a free consultation.

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