What Should I Do If I’m Involved In a Hit-and-Run Car Accident?

Monday, January 11th, 2016 by | Posted In: Auto Accidents

ct hit and run car accidentSometimes Connecticut car accidents occur and the other driver flees the scene. Not only is this illegal to do, it can have an impact on your insurance claim. If you are ever in your vehicle and are involved in a hit-and-run car accident, the following will help you with your claim:

    1. Seek medical attention. Anytime you or a loved are in an accident, get seen by your primary care provider or emergency department physician immediately. You’ll want to make sure any injuries from the accident are documented. Sometimes, it can take several days or weeks for injuries to present. Make sure you are visiting your doctor.

    2. Report the accident. File a police report with the town where the accident occurred.

    3. Call an experienced lawyer. If your injuries are significant, you may consider speaking with an experienced lawyer. However, you might be able to handle the case yourself.

    4. Call your insurance company. Report your accident to your insurance company. Sometimes you do not know the insurance information on the driver who hit you, so you will need to begin your claim with your own insurance company.





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