4 Questions to Ask a Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Sunday, March 24th, 2019 by | Posted In: Medical Malpractice

Anna FordIf you are seeking to hire a medical malpractice lawyer there are four important questions you should ask every firm you meet with.

  1. What are your credentials to handle a case of this magnitude?
    Experienced and knowledgeable medical malpractice attorneys all have the legal knowledge to try a case like this, but it’s the medical knowledge that differentiates the attorneys at McEnery Price Messey & Sullivan. A Connecticut firm with a doctor/attorney and nurse/attorney on staff, our team has both the medical and legal knowledge to handle malpractice cases of this complexity.
  2. What types of doctors are in your network of experts?
    In order to file a medical malpractice case in the state of Connecticut, your legal team must have at least one expert with the same credentials (board certifications, education, etc.) that will testify that your doctor’s actions were a deviation from the standard of care. We draw upon our medical experience and network of other experienced and knowledgeable medical experts.
  3. What is your track record?
    While past performance does not dictate future outcomes, McEnery Price Messey & Sullivan has a strong history of recovery.
  4. Are you a member of any bar associations and/or have you ever been disciplined?
    The medical malpractice attorneys at McEnery Price Messey & Sullivan all belong to various bar associations and none have been disciplined by the Grievance Committee.

Because you are looking for a medical malpractice attorney means you or a loved one has experienced some sort of medical trauma, these types of cases are highly complex. Our attorneys will help you navigate the case through every step of the way. Call us right away 1-855-494-8300.

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