Ectopic Pregnancy Misdiagnosis Can Be Medical Malpractice

Sunday, July 26th, 2015 by | Posted In: Hospital Negligence, Medical Malpractice

ectopic pregancy medical malpracticeEctopic pregnancy is a serious medical condition where a fertilized egg implants into other maternal structures instead of the uterus. A delay in treating ectopic pregnancy can be medical malpractice if diagnosis is not obtained quickly enough.

An ectopic pregnancy cannot continue as normal; if it does, it can cause life-threatening bleeding and damage to maternal structures that support healthy pregnancy.

When to Seek Medical Treatment
1.  If you have severe abdominal or pelvic pain accompanied by vaginal bleeding

2.  Extreme lightheadedness or fainting

3. Shoulder pain

What to Expect at the Emergency Room

  1. After triage, you will see an emergency room physician. He or she should ask you about your medical history including any pre-existing conditions. There will also be a physical examination.
  2. Your emergency room doctor should call an obstetrician/gynecologist (OB/GYN) for a specialty consultation.
  3. Testing may be ordered including bloodwork and ultrasound.
  4. If you are found to have an ectopic pregnancy, you may require emergency surgery.

If you were discharged from the emergency department, and suffered internal bleeding or damaged maternal structures (fallopian tubes, ovaries) due to an ectopic pregnancy, you may have a medical malpractice case. Call our office right way as there is typically a 2 year statute of limitations for filing these types of claims.

Our medical and legal team comprises doctor/attorney Robert Messey and nurse/attorney Gayle Sullivan. They will begin investigating your case immediately.

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