Is Delayed Diagnosis of Stroke Medical Malpractice?

The Centers for Disease Control reports that nearly one out of every 20 deaths in the United States is caused by stroke. During a stroke, the brain is deprived of oxygen-rich blood it needs to function properly. If you or your loved one’s stroke was not diagnosed quickly enough, or there was a misdiagnosis, this … Keep reading…

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Is Delayed Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism Medical Malpractice?

Pulmonary embolism (PE) is very serious illness that can affect anyone. A blood clot gets lodged in an artery of the lungs preventing blood flow to areas of the lungs. According to the Mayo Clinic, blood clots develop in the legs and travel up to the lungs most often. Blood thinners including aspirin, coumadin, warfarin, … Keep reading…

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Understanding Connecticut’s Good Samaritan Law

We often rely on the kindness of Good Samaritans to help us when we are in trouble. Whether a passerby stops if we are in a Connecticut car accident, or helps us after a slip and fall accident or even choking in a restaurant, Good Samaritans lend a helping hand when we often need it … Keep reading…

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Derby Nurse Allegedly Overprescribed Medication Causing Death

In a recent article published by the Hartford Courant, a Connecticut family has filed a medical malpractice lawsuit against a Derby nurse for allegedly over prescribing narcotics that contributed to the death of a 56 year old man after gallbladder surgery. The decedent’s estate claims the advanced practice registered nurse prescribed “unlawfully high” doses of … Keep reading…

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What is Hospital Negligence and How is it Medical Malpractice?

Doctors and nurses are not the only healthcare professionals against whom a medical malpractice claim can be filed; hospitals and healthcare facilities can also contribute to a patient’s lasting injuries. Ways in which hospitals and healthcare facilities can be held liable for you or your loved one’s injuries include (but are not limited to): Lack … Keep reading…

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Medical Malpractice and Urgent Care Centers

Urgent Care Centers and Walk-In Clinics were designed as a low-cost alternative to visiting the emergency room. But what if your treatment at one of these centers falls below the standard of care and your condition worsens causing permanent harm? This is considered medical malpractice in the state of Connecticut. These clinics have been set … Keep reading…

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Avoid Medical Malpractice: 5 Questions to Ask Before Your Laparoscopic Surgery

Surgeries that were once performed with a large incision and “opening” the body can now be done with a minimally invasive technique called laparoscopy. This technique involves inserting a small camera or scope through a small incision (rather than a large one) in the body allowing the surgeon to look around and perform the procedure. … Keep reading…

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Medical Malpractice and DVT Can Cause Serious Medical Injuries

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a very serious medical condition that, if not properly treated, can be considered medical malpractice and be life-threatening. DVT happens when blood clots form in deep veins, typically the legs, and cause swelling and pain. According to the Mayo Clinic, DVT can occur if someone has a condition that affects … Keep reading…

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Establishing the Standard of Care in Medical Malpractice Cases

Medical malpractice cases are very complex and require a tremendous amount of research prior to going to trial. As plaintiffs (the party filing the lawsuit) we are responsible for determining the standard of care in a medical situation as well as proving there was a deviation from the standard of care. Not all medical situations … Keep reading…

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New Ways to Identify Colorectal Cancer

A recent article published in the Wall Street Journal shows that patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer are more likely to see their family physician significantly more in the year leading up to the diagnosis than those without cancer. This same study found that those with cancer had more hemoglobin blood tests and prescriptions for hemorrhoids, … Keep reading…

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