What are the Signs of Ovarian Cancer?

Saturday, April 25th, 2015 by | Posted In: Medical Malpractice

ovarian-cancer-symptonsStage I ovarian cancer has a greater than 90% survival rate after five years, when detected at its earliest stages. However, the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer are only likely to be felt once the cancer has spread beyond the ovaries, but can present sooner. According to the American Cancer Society, ovarian cancer signs and symptoms can be caused by other non-cancerous diseases or cancers of other organs. If these symptoms are persistent more than 12 times per month, report them to your gynecologist.

If you previously reported these symptoms to your doctor and no further tests were conducted and ovarian cancer was a delayed diagnosis, you may have a medical malpractice case. The McEnery Law Firm’s doctor/attorney Robert Messey and nurse/attorney Gayle Sullivan will begin a medical and legal investigation into your claim. Call immediately at 1-855-494-8300 as there is a specific amount of time you have to file a case like this.

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