What Tests Diagnose Prostate Cancer?

Sunday, March 15th, 2015 by | Posted In: Medical Malpractice

prostate cancer testsMen aged 50 years and older (younger if risk factors present) should begin regular screening for prostate cancer. If you have been diagnosed with later stage of prostate cancer, your diagnosis may be the result of a delayed response. This delay could be medical malpractice. If you think there has been a delayed response in diagnosing your prostate cancer, contact the experienced and knowledgeable medical malpractice attorneys at the McEnery Law Group. Robert Messey, MD/JD and Gayle Sullivan, RN/JD will begin an immediate medical and legal investigation into your case.

Prostate cancer symptoms include:

During a screening, your doctor should conduct a digital rectal examination where he/she looks for abnormalities in size, texture, and shape of the prostate gland.

Your doctor may also order a PSA (prostate-specific antigen) blood test. PSA is a protein produced by the prostate. A blood test can detect an increase in this protein, which can signal early signs of cancer.

A PSA blood level of 4.0 or lower is considered normal. If the blood level is higher than 4.0, you should be referred to a urologist or other specialist for further screening.

If you have any concerns about your prostate, be sure to discuss them fully with your healthcare provider.

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