What Ways Could Your Doctor Commit Medical Malpractice

Sunday, May 10th, 2015 by | Posted In: Medical Malpractice

wys to commit medical malpracticeConnecticut law defines medical malpractice as a deviation from the standard of care that causes permanent injury, including death, to the patient. These injuries can include anything from amputations, brain injuries, delayed diagnoses, and birth injuries.

Amputations – if you or a loved one required the amputation of a limb, medical malpractice may be the cause if there was a delay in treating/identifying an infection, or if the wrong limb was removed.

Brain injuries – brain injuries due to medical malpractice can occur because of a delayed diagnosis, but also an adverse allergic reaction to medication administered.

Delayed diagnosis – overlooking symptoms a patient describes that results in a permanent injury could be medical malpractice.

Birth injuries – failure to properly monitor a pregnancy or failure to recommend a C-section delivery in a timely manner can result in injuries to the baby and the mother. This could constitute medical malpractice if there was a deviation from the standard of care.

Medical malpractice cases are subject to the statute of limitations which is a specific amount of time for a case to filed with the court. For most cases, you have 2 years to file. If you suspect you or a loved one was injured due to your doctor’s error, call McEnery Price Messey & Sullivan immediately. Robert Messey, MD/JD and Gayle Sullivan, RN/JD will begin a medical and legal investigation into your case.


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